Drive Paddle

Paddle tennis courts in Asturias

*NUEVO* Torneo Noviembre 2024

a man holding a tennis racquet on top of a tennis court

Para inscribirte solo tienes que rellenar este formulario paso a paso, con los datos de el jugador 1 y jugador 2. Formulario de incripción al torneo

Jugar pádel en Lugones

Jugar pádel en Lugones -1

Si quieres jugar pádel en Lugones, Siero sin duda debes venir a Drive Padel, tenemos las mejores pistas de pádel de todo Lugones, Siero con iluminación LED, tienda de accesorios, cafetería…

Jugar pádel en Asturias

Jugar pádel en Asturias - 1

Si quieres jugar pádel en Asturias sin duda debes venir a Drive Padel, tenemos las mejores pistas de pádel de todo Asturias, con iluminación LED, tienda de accesorios, cafetería…

The paddle as a way of life

woman in red tank top and black shorts holding tennis racket

The paddle is not only a sport; it's a philosophy, a community and a lifestyle that brings many benefits. Let's explore how the paddle can transform your day-to-day and why you should consider it more than just a physical activity.

The rise of the paddle as a sport

man lying on gray surface

In recent years, the paddle has experienced an exponential growth in popularity around the world. From its humble beginnings to become one of the sports with the highest growth, the paddle has captured the attention and hearts of millions. Let's dig into the reasons behind this phenomenon and how it has managed to position itself as a sport leader.

Our Goal

togo paddle, padel, friuli venezia giulia

In the Drive Paddle Club Indoor, our mission is to foster the love for the paddle, creating an inclusive environment and friendly atmosphere where people of all ages and skill levels can enjoy this wonderful sport.